

(Author) [BOOK]
John Ruskin’s Sheffield (forthcoming).

(Author) [ARTICLE]
“‘The first duty of justice’: John Ruskin & Henrietta Carey of Nottingham” (forthcoming).


(Auhor) (Short Introduction)
“Ruskin Today” in James Dearden: A John Ruskin Collection eds Jonathan Stone & Justin Croft (Faversham: Justin Croft, 2024) pp. 4-5: click here for Part I; read a review here

Author) (Book)
Ruskin’s Faithful Stewards: Henry and Emily Swan (Reading, 2024)

WINNER of the Ruskin Society Book Prize

click here 

for more information and watch a video presentation here

(Author) (Chapter)
“Morris and John Ruskin” in Marcus Waithe (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to William Morris (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024), pp. 259-270

(Author) (Article)
“Lady Palmer’s Fan: The Story of a Forgotten Friendship (Part 2)”, The Journal of the Friends of Ruskin’s Brantwood (Spring 2024), pp. 34-43.

 (Author) (Comment Piece)
“Global Perspective: Overcoming Illiteracy”, The English Pub: Arkansas Council of Teachers of English and Language Arts Newsletter, vol. 63 , no. 2 (March 2024), pp. 26-28.

(Editor) (Book)
Medicine and Society in Late Eighteenth-Century Berkshire: The Commonplace Book of William Savory of Brightwalton and Newbury (Berkshire Record Society, vol. 30, 2024)


(Author) (Article)
“Lady Palmer’s Fan: The Story of a Forgotten Friendship (Part 1)”, The Journal of the Friends of Ruskin’s Brantwood (Autumn 2023), pp. 28-39.

(Author) [Article]
“‘You are to think of me as of a sand eel’: Ruskin’s final encounter with Constance and Oscar Wilde”, The Wildean, no. 63 (July 2023), pp. 20-61.

(Editor) [Illustrated Book Catalogue]
Soviet Photomontage Unknown, 1924-1937 by Pavel Chepyzhov, with Valentina Gavrilova, Anastasiya Rozhkova and Petr Baranov (San Francisco: Globus Books, 2023).

“The Man on the Right”, in The Wildean, no. 62 (January 2023) pp. 117-119.


(Author) (Online Article)
A History of the Ruskin Society”

“Cassandra and the Terrible Old Trout” in The Friends of Ruskin’s Brantwood Newsletter (Spring 2022) pp. 29-31.


(Author) [ARTICLE]
“Ruskin on the Wireless: a survey of BBC radio to 1969” in The Friends of Ruskin’s Brantwood Newsletter (Autumn 2021), pp. 26-31.

(Author) [BOOKLET] Watch an online presentation here.
The Ruskinian Industrialist: George Thomson of Huddersfield (York: Guild of St George, 2021). [Order here.]

‘A Ruskin Audience’ in The Friends of Ruskin’s Brantwood Newsletter (Spring 2021) pp. 33–35. [Famous faces at one of Ruskin’s drawing-room lectures.]

(Author) [CHAPTER]
The Apostle of Beauty: some turn-of-the-century perceptions of Ruskin in Central and Eastern Europe’ in Emma Sdegno, Martina Frank, Myriam Pilutti Namer,  & Pierre-Henry Frangne  (eds), John Ruskin’s Europe: A Collection of Cross-Cultural Essays (Venice: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari Venezia, 2021), pp. 399-412.


(with Jim Dearden) ‘Ruskinian Books on Prime Ministers’ Shelves’ in The Friends of Ruskin’s Brantwood Newsletter (Autumn 2020) pp. 30-31.

(Sound Editorr) [AUDIOBOOK]
John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice, selected introduced and read by Robert Hewison; sponsored by Sovereign Films.

(Author) [PAPER]
‘Living up to their Blue China’: the Wildes and Ruskin’s Sheffield Museum’ in The Wildean, no. 57 (July 2020) pp. 91-116.

(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘“From the King’s Son Downwards”: Prince Eddy and the Ruskin Collection’ in The Friends of Ruskin’s Brantwood Newsletter (Spring 2020) pp. 31-35.


(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘How I Came To Ruskin’ on The Victorian Web.

(Author) [CHAPTER]
‘Ruskin Land’, in Suzanne Fagence Cooper and Richard Johns (eds), Ruskin, Turner and the Storm Cloud (London: Paul Holberton, 2019) pp. 36-39.

(Author) [REVIEW]
Pavel Chepyzhov, New Georgian Book Design, 1920s-1930s. in The Book Collector, vol. 68, no. 1 (Spring 2019) pp. 194-196.


Ruskin, the Guild of St George, and Meersbrook Hall: A Report for Ruskin-in-Sheffield and the Friends of Meersbrook Hall (September 2018).

(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘A Russian Member of the Family: Meet Pavel Chepyzhov of Bookvica’, in Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association Newsletter, #405 (Autumn 2018) pp. 10-11.

(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘Ruskinism in China’, in Friends of Ruskin’s Brantwood Newsletter, (Autumn 2018) pp. 19-23.

(Author) [REVIEW]
Paul Dawson, Perceptions of Ruskin, in The Companion, no. 18 (2018), p. 55.

(Author) [Report]
(with Jenny Robbins)
‘Manchester in the Wyre’, in The Companion, no. 18 (2018), pp. 29-30.

(Author) [CHAPTER]
‘“Souls of Good Quality”: Ruskin, Tolstoy and Education’, in Valerie Purton (ed.), Ruskin and Nineteenth-Century Education (London: Anthem, 2018) pp. 31-48.


(Editor & Designer) [JOURNAL]
The Companion, no. 17 (2017).

(Author) [REPORT]
‘“Our Power to Bequeath”: The Companions’ Day at Westmill (24 June 2017)’ in The Companion, no. 17 (2017) pp. 33-36.

(Author) [REPORT]
‘“A Different Spirit”: the Opening of The Horsfall, Manchester’ in The Companion, no. 17 (2017) pp. 54-55.

(Author) [EDITORIAL]
‘“Houses Without Hands—for our Souls to Live in”: Swan Song’ in The Companion, no. 17 (2017) pp. 64-65.

(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘Discover Westmill: John Ruskin and Mary Greg’, in Westmill Newsletter (2017).


(Editor, Designer) [REFERENCE]
A Calendar of Treasures from the Ruskin Collection, an online resource from the Guild of St George.

(Editor & Designer) [JOURNAL]
The Companion, no. 16 (2016).

(Author) [ARTICLE]
Past Masters: A Builder of Birmingham, George Baker (1825-1910)’, in The Companion, no. 16 (2016), pp. 53-58.

(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘Treasures of the Ruskin Collection)’, in The Companion, no. 16 (2016), pp. 3-4. [Frank Randal]

(Author) [SHORT BOOK]
Ruskin and Tolstoy. Second Edition. (York:  Guild of St George, 2016).


(Author) [CHAPTER]
‘Political legacies’, in Francis O’Gorman (ed.), in The Cambridge Companion to John Ruskin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015), pp. 249-262.

(Editor & Designer) [JOURNAL]
The Companion, no. 15 (2015).

(Author) [REVIEW]
‘“Impossible Hopes”? Mark Frost, The Lost Companions’ in The Companion, no. 15 (2015), pp. 5-6.  [Robert Somervell]

(Author) [REPORT]
‘“Education for Education’s Sake”: A Symposium at Toynbee Hall’ in The Companion, no. 15 (2015), pp. 13-16.

(Author) [PAMPHLET]
Miss Margaret E. Knight & St George’s Field, Sheepscombe (York: The Guild of St George, 2015).


(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘The Courage to Wear Yellow: Ruskin’s Effect on Women’, in The Friends of Ruskin’s Brantwood Newsletter (Autumn 2014) pp. 16-18. [Louise von Glehn & Bertha Johnson]

(Editor & Designer) [JOURNAL]
The Companion, no. 14 (2014).

(Editor & Designer) [JOURNAL]
The Companion: Van Akin Burd 100th Birthday Tribute (2014).

(Author) [EDITORIAL]
‘The world is creeping after Ruskin’, in The Companion, no. 14 (2014) pp. 1-3. [James Batten Winterbottom; Wilfred Owen]

(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘Two Early Companions’, in The Companion, no. 14 (2014) pp. 45-47. [Silvanus Wilkins & Rev. William Sharman]


(Author) [PAPER]
‘Ruskin as ‘world-author’: the Netherlands’, in Ruskin Review and Bulletin, vol. 9, no. 2 (Autumn 2013) pp. 4-13.

(Editor & Designer) [JOURNAL]
The Companion, no. 13 (2013).

(Author; Photographer) [ARTICLE]
‘Barmouth (in Pictures)’ in The Companion, no. 13 (2013) pp. 24-25. [Fanny Talbot]

(Author) [REVIEW]
Keith Hanley & Brian Maidment (eds) Persistent Ruskin, in The Companion, no. 13 (2013) p. 8.


(Author) [PAPER]
‘Ruskin’s “very small circle” of readers in Denmark’, in Ruskin Review and Bulletin, vol. 8, no. 2 (Autumn 2012) pp. 5-13.

(Contributor) [SNIPPET]
‘There now, Ruskin, tell me what I am’ in Ruskin Review and Bulletin, vol. 8, no. 2 (Autumn 2012) pp. 51-52. [L. M. Montgomery]

(Editor) [JOURNAL]
The Companion, no. 12 (2012).

(Author) [EDITORIAL]
‘Ruskin in Today’s World’ in The Companion, no. 12 (2012) pp. 1-3. [Mary Hope Greg]

(Author) [REPORT]
‘Who Pays for the Environment? A Symposium at the Art Workers’ Guild’ in The Companion, no. 12 (2012) pp. 6-10.

(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘Past Masters’ in The Companion, no. 12 (2012) pp. 24-25. [Hugh Charles Fairfax-Cholmeley]

(Author) [REVIEW]
Sara Atwood, Ruskin’s Educational Ideals in The Eighth Lamp, no. 7 (2012) pp. 56-59.


(Author) [PAPER]
‘“For Fear of Bears”: Ruskin in Russia (A Biblio-Historical Sketch)’, in Nineteenth-Century Prose, vol. 38, no. 2 (Fall 2011) pp. 157-194.

(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘Lunch at Denmark Hill’, in The Friends of Ruskin’s Brantwood Newsletter (Autumn 2011) pp. 13-15. [Isabella Fyvie Mayo]

‘A Russian View of Reading’ in Berkshire Family Historian (June 2011) p. 26. [Kornei Chukovsky]

(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘Ruskin’s Readers 2: William Marwick and the Ruskin Reading Guild’, in Ruskin Review and Bulletin, vol. 7, no. 1 (Spring 2011) pp. 47-54.]

‘What’s in a name? Ruskin Road, Bolton’ in The Friends of Ruskin’s Brantwood Newsletter(Spring 2011) p. 10.

(Author) [BOOK]
After Ruskin: The Social and Political Legacies of a Victorian Prophet, 1870-1920 (Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress, 2011).


(Author) [Pamphlet]
Ruskin and Tolstoy (Ruskin Lecture 2010) (Bembridge: The Guild of St George, 2010).

(Author) [REPORT]
‘John Ruskin and the Modern World: Art and Economics, 1860-2010, A Symposium at the Art Workers’ Guild’ in The Companion, no. 10 (2010) pp. 7-10.

(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘Painted Light’ in Berkshire Family Historian (September 2010) pp. 11-14 [Holy Trinity Church, West Hendred]

(Author) [REVIEW]
Roland Chambers, The Last Englishman: The Double Life of Arthur Ransome in The Edward Thomas Fellowship Newsletter, no. 63 (January 2010) pp. 21-23.


(Author) [REFERENCE]
‘Horsfall, Thomas Coglan (1841-1932) philanthropist’ in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘A Grave Matter’, in The Friends of Ruskin’s Brantwood Newsletter (Autumn 2009) pp. 14-16. [E. T. Cook and T.C. Horsfall]

(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘Ruskin’s Readers: 1. John Clifford’s Ruskin Club at Westbourne Park’, in Ruskin Review and Bulletin, vol. 5, no. 2 (Autumn 2009) pp. 43-48.

(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘The Wilderness Years: Ruskin’s Influence and the Ruskin Society, 1931-1955’, in The Friends of Ruskin’s Brantwood Newsletter (Spring 2009) pp. 9-14.


(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘J.H. Whitehouse and Boys’ Literature’, in Ruskin Review and Bulletin, vol. 4, no. 3 (Autumn 2008) pp. 16-18.

(Author) [PAPER]
‘Ruskin the Worker: Hinksey and the Origins of Ruskin Hall, Oxford’, in Ruskin Review and Bulletin, vol. 4, no. 3 (Autumn 2008) pp. 19-29.

(Author) [REFERENCE]
Thomas Coglan Horsfall and Manchester Art Museum and University Settlement’ in Infed: education, community—building and change


(Author) [CHAPTER]
‘The “insinuating touch of influence”: Aspects of Ruskin’s Political Legacy’, in Carmen Casaliggi and Paul March-Russell (eds.), Ruskin in Perspective: Contemporary Essays(Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007), pp. 83-100.


(Author) [PAPER]
‘John Howard Whitehouse (1873-1955)’ in Stephen Wildman (ed.) Keeper of the Flame [exhibition catalogue] (Lancaster: Ruskin Library, 2005) pp. 7-19.

(Author) [PAPER]
‘“A Higher, Purer, Truer Life for the People”: Ruskin and the Beginnings of Labour Representation’, in Ruskin Review and Bulletin, vol. 2, no.1 (Michaelmas Term 2005) pp. 3-16.


(Author) [ARTICLE]
‘“A violent Tory of the old school?” Ruskin’s Political Legacy: three essays written to mark the centenary of his birth’, in The Companion, no. 3 (Autumn/Winder 2003) pp. 22-25


(Author) [PAPER]
‘Christ’s Parable of the Vineyard: the significance of Unto this Last’ in John Ruskin: The Brantwood Years [not paginated].

(Author) [REPORT]
‘Prophetic Ruskin: A Report on the Centenary Conference at Christ Church, Oxford’ in Ruskin Bulletin (Michaelman 2000).